• Paris

    Scientific Terms/Concepts

    Liking; attachment; attraction.
    Classical yoga text codified by Sage Patanjali: delineates the system of ashtanga yoga, or eight fold path of yoga: yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi.
    One of the three qualities of nature, representing dynamism, mobility, creativity; responsible for desire, ambition, restlessness; term used for menstrual secretions.
    First of the four Vedas; contains hymns to deities or guardians of the law, such as Agni, Varuna, Indra and Mitra, presents nature as an eternal force working in the interests of humanity.
    Seer; realized sage who meditates on the self.
    Name of Lord Shiva in Rig Veda, meaning ' He who proclaims himself aloud'; signifies transformation through dissolution.
    Intimate union of Rudra and his shakti, Yamala.
    Text of Kashmir Shaivism in which Vijnana Bhairava Tantra is found devoted entirely to esoteric sadhana.