- Surya Vigyan -

Paramhansa Vishuddhanand Ji Gandh-baba Shri Vishuddhananda s childhood name was Bholanath Chattopadhyaya. Siddha Yogi Swa mi Nimanand Paramahansa of the secret Gyanganj Yogashram in Tibet took Bholnath to Gyanganj ashram. Yogiraj Vishuddhanand Paramhansadeva was the first Yogi-Sain t to introduce and propagate Surya-Vijnan, solar science, into the world for the first time. Up till then this science was confined to the precints of the ancie nt secrets of Yogashram at Gyanganj in the Himalayas in Tibet and was known only to the ancients. Baba stayed in Gyanganj Ashram for 12 years. Surya i.e., Sun o r Savita means source of creation . According to Surya-Vijnan there are 360 rays of the sun which go to form the whole creation of the Universe. Baba converted cot ton wool, flowers and leaves into stones, wood, etc. by the incidence of appropr iate rays of the Sun. He demonstrated practically how minute particles of ingred ients of various objects could be dispersed or assembled and destroyed or create d through the proces of Surya-Vijnan.

- Jyotish -

The method of Mantra is used to invoke divine power for positive and negative purposes through the use of mind or thought power (man+tra). In Yantras the restraining power (yan + tra) of the will is used for the same purpose. The Tantras are meant for the transformation and transmission of the physical (sexual) power of the body (tan) from the lower planes to higher planes through the use of tantu (nerve fibers or nadis). Thus, Tantra means the use of the body power (tan + tra) or the use of the nerves in the body (tant + tra) or both. Tantu is also a symbolic reference to God or Self (Tantunama or Tantu Nadha), who is the lord of the body. In that sense, Tantra means the use of the power (Shakti) of God for self-transformation and liberation.

- Medicinal Sciences -

Medicinal Sciences is comprised of colleagues possessing invaluable expertise across a range of key disciplines: Medicine Design, BioMedicine Design, Small Molecule and Biotherapeutics Product and Process Development, Simulation and Modeling Science, and Clinical Trial Supply.